Immigration psychological evaluation training for therapists to help
immigrant families

Every time you turn on the news,
your heart breaks just a little bit more
for immigrants under threat of deportation.

But you know your good thoughts and well-wishes aren’t enough to help them and their families stay together, and safe from the country they escaped from. 

As a licensed mental health clinician, you care about immigrants and want to do something to help but aren’t sure how. Maybe you’ve heard about immigration evaluations and are interested in conducting them, but don’t know what they should contain, how they can help your community, or how to integrate them into you practice. 

You just want to know how to quickly start conducting and completing evaluations so your work makes an impact and a difference in the world right now.

Start Helping immigrants today with immigration psychological evaluation training

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Are you a therapist that conducts immigration evaluations?

Hi, I’m Cecilia Racine.
I teach therapists how to help immigrants.

I’m an immigrant myself, so I know the unique perspective that these clients are experiencing. I’m an LCSW with 20 years of experience in the field. I’ve worked with adults, families, children in a variety of in-patient and out-patient settings. I have experience with the LGBT+ community as well as ethnic minority communities from around the world. Immigrants are my passion, I think they add to the fabric of our country. Over the years, I’ve conducted over 500 evaluations and worked with dozens of lawyers in various states.

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Immigration Evaluation Institute Quick Start Guide

Learn more about immigration evaluations with my FREE Quick Start Guide